Sourires recherchés!
Afin d’offrir une expérience mémorable aux visiteurs et aux artistes, le Festival de marionnettes et de jeu masqué recherche des personnes passionnées d’art, de culture et de relations humaines.
Les bénévoles présents à ces postes auront la tâche:
Les bénévoles présents à ces postes auront la tâche:
Être disponible quelques heures entre le 11 juillet et 28 juillet .
Les horaires sont variables.
En plus de soutenir le développement de ce nouveau festival à Val-David, vous aurez la chance de rencontrer différents acteurs du milieu de la marionnette tout au long de votre expérience.
Smiles needed!
In order to offer a memorable experience to visitors and artists, the Puppet and Masks Theatre Festival is looking for people who are passionate about performing arts. If you want to take part in the adventure of 1001 Things in Motion, contact us for more information.
WELCOMING AND TICKETING Volunteers in these positions will be responsible for: welcoming visitors and spectators; answering visitors' inquiries ;directing visitors to the various performance sites; controlling access to the site; validating or selling tickets/access.
INFORMATION AND ACCOMPANYING Volunteers at these positions will be responsible for: accompanying the performances; handing out promotional material; informing passers-by and inviting them to the Festival
We need a few hours of your time between July 11 and 28. The schedule changes from day to day.
- A volunteer accreditation, giving you access to all the shows in the program (festival-goers with paying tickets have priority)
- A token redeemable for a drink, for each shift
- A gift certificate from 1001 Pots
- In addition to supporting the development of this new festival in Val-David, you will have the chance to meet different actors of the puppetry community throughout your experience.
"Puppet" icon by mynamepong from